(Quick Reference)

1. f:displayWidget


f:displayWidget renders an appropriate widget for a display property, for example an <span>${value}</span> element for a String property.

Using f:displayWidget directly will only be necessary for very specialized cases, usually it will be invoked via f:display.

f:displayWidget accepts exactly the same attributes as the f:display tag (except for wrapper and templates attributes).

Example of a _displayWidget.gsp

If you have a domain class with a java.time.LocalDate you might want to format it specially:

<%@ page import="java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter" %>
<g:set var="localDatePattern" value="${message(code: 'default.localDate.format',default: 'yyyy-MM-dd')}"/>
${value?.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern(localDatePattern, request.getLocale()))}