(Quick Reference)

1. f:with


Places a bean in scope so that the bean attribute can be omitted on contained tags.

<f:with bean="person">
    <f:field property="name"/>
    <f:field property="address.city"/>
Name Required? Description



The bean whose property is being rendered. This can be the object itself or the name of a page-scope variable.



A string (including the trailing period) that should be appended before the input name such as name="${prefix}propertyName". The label is also modified.

Extra attributes (Since version 2.1.4)

You can pass any number of extra attributes to the with tag that will be propagated to the inner fields and displays.

<f:with bean="person" wrapper="someWrapper">
 <f:field property="name"/>
 <f:field property="address.city"/>

That way you don’t need to repeat the same attribute over and over. The code above is the same as:

<f:with bean="person">
 <f:field property="name" wrapper="someWrapper"/>
 <f:field property="address.city" wrapper="someWrapper"/>
Override extra attributes

You can override the extra attributes on any field just changing the attribute value on the popper field or display

<f:with bean="person" wrapper="someWrapper">
 <f:field property="name"/>
 <f:field property="address.city"/>
 <f:field property="address.zip" wrapper="differentWrapper"/>
Remember that if you want to use some of those attributes in the widget or displayWidget templates you need to prefix them with the widget- word (unless you have configured another prefix)