(Quick Reference)

1. f:widget


f:widget renders an appropriate widget for a property, for example an <input type="text"> element for a String property or a <select> for an enum.

Using f:widget directly will only be necessary for very specialized cases, usually it will be invoked via f:field.

f:widget accepts exactly the same attributes as the f:field tag (except for wrapper and templates attributes).

Default rendering

The <f:widget/> tag will will by default use sensible defaults when rendering String, Number, Boolean, URL, Enum, Date and associations like oneToOne, oneToMany, manyToOne and manyToMany.

In a few cases it is possible to control which default widget to use, by specifying it in the beans constraints.

The following happens with these types:


By default, properties instance of String renders a <g:field type="text"> type field, but the constraints in the bean will alter this in these cases:


Rendered Widget type


<g:select/>. If the field is not required, a noSelection is added to the select

password: true

<g:field type="password"/>

email: true

<g:field type="email"/>

url: true

<g:field type="url"/>

widget: 'textarea'


Numeric and primitive types

By default, properties instance of Number renders a <g:field type="number"> or <:field type="number decimal"/> type field, but the constraints in the bean will alter this in these cases:


Affects the rendered widget


Sets the step attribute on the input field


Set the min attribute on the input field


Set the max attribute on the input field

By default, the value is formatted with the default numberFormatter based on the request locale.

This behavior can be turned off in the configuration by setting:

            localizeNumbers: false

Renders a <g:checkBox/>


Renders a <g:field type="url"/>


enum types always renders a <g:select/> with all the values in the type. To render a subset of enum values, the inList constraint can be used.

Date, Calendar, java.sql.Date and java.sql.Time

Renders a <g:datePicker/>. If Date, Calendar, or java.sql.Date then precision is set to day, if java.sql.Time then minute

byte[], Byte[], Blob

Renders a <g:field type="file"/>

oneToOne, manyToOne or manyToMany associations

All these associations renders a <g:select/> and if association has a nullable: true constraint, then a noSelection attribute is added.

For the manyToMany association, the multiple attribute is set.

oneToOne and `manyToOne renders a

'oneToMany' association

The oneToMany association does not render an input type field, but does instead render a list of links to the associated objects.

Example of overriding a _widget.gsp

If you want to override a f:widget for a String, then create a file with content like this:

<g:textField name="${property}" value="${value}" required="${required}" class="form-control"/>